加强困难气道管理  提升临床救治水平——《2022年美国麻醉医师协会困难气道管理实践指南》解读

Strengthen the Management of Difficult Airway and Improve the Treatment of Clinical Practice: Interpretation on 2022 American Society of Anesthesiologists Practice Guidelines for Management of the Difficult Airway

  • 摘要: 气道管理是急诊医师必须掌握的基本技能, 困难气道管理是急诊工作面临的重要挑战之一。2022年, 美国麻醉医师协会发布了第四版困难气道管理指南, 从困难气道的定义、评估、准备工作、管理流程、拔管过程等方面均给出了最新循证医学证据支持, 为临床医师提供了权威的困难气道管理规范。本文将从急诊医学角度对指南相关内容进行解读, 以帮助临床医师提高认识, 进一步提高我国困难气道管理水平。


    Abstract: Airway management is a basic skill for emergency doctors. Difficult airways are one of the most important challenges. In 2022, the American Association of anesthesiologists published the fourth edition of guideline on the management of difficult airways, which provided us with the latest evidence-based medicine about the definition, evaluation, preparation, management and extubation of difficult airways. To improve the status of airway management of emergency doctors in China, this paper interprets the key points and updates the contents of the guidelines from the perspective of emergency medicine.


