
The Parasitologists and Medical Educators of Peking Union Medical College Shown on the Old Postcards

  • 摘要: 本文通过分析两枚北京协和医学院早年寄出的明信片上展示的信息,介绍了Henry E. Meleney和徐锡藩(H. F. Hsü)两位北京协和医学院寄生虫学家,回顾了两位医学家的科研经历和研究成果。医学家们全心服务病患的高尚医德和严谨治学的科学精神具有重要的现实教育意义。


    Abstract: The information on the two old postcards sent from Peking Union Medical College was studied. Henry E. Meleney and H.F. Hsü, the parasitologists and medical educators of Peking Union Medical College, were introduced. Their experiences in scientific research and achievements were reviewed. The professional ethics of serving patients and the scientific spirit with rigorous research of the medical scientists are of practical educational significance.


