
Consensus on Core Competency Framework for Residency Education Among China Consortium of Elite Teaching Hospitals for Residency Education

  • 摘要: 随着以胜任力为导向的第三代医学教育改革在世界范围内不断推进, 中国迫切需要制订符合本国国情的住院医师核心胜任力框架。为助力中国医学教育改革, 由中国医学科学院北京协和医院牵头的"中国住院医师培训精英教学医院联盟"组织权威医学教育专家、教育管理者及临床一线师资, 基于国内外研究成果及多年临床教学实践经验, 经反复研讨、论证、修订, 拟定了住院医师核心胜任力框架共识, 确定了住院医师应具备的6项核心胜任力: 职业素养、知识技能、病人照护、沟通合作、教学能力和终生学习。每项核心胜任力下设具体的胜任力条目, 并对其进行详细定义, 以阐释框架内涵。同时, 设计了包含6种颜色的六边形结构作为住院医师核心胜任力框架的形象化图标。该共识可供临床各住院医师培训基地参考, 为住院医师培养目标及培养方案设置、考核评估实施、师资培训强化及教学资源开发等方面提供了重要依据和探索方向。


    Abstract: With the continuous worldwide development of the 3rd generation of reformation in medical education, China is in urgent need to develop its own core competency framework for residency training that conforms to China's conditions. For the purpose of supporting and facilitating the reformation of medical education, educational experts, educational administrators and frontline faculties from China Consortium of Elite Teaching Hospitals for Residency Education formed this consensus after repeated discussion, argumentation and modification according to domestic and international research. The framework consists of six core competences: professionalism, medical knowledge and skill, patient care, communication and collaboration, teaching and life long learning. Each core competency has 3 to 4 specific items. In this consensus, all the items were definied to help readers understand the core competency framework. A hexagonal logo with 6 different colors was designed to illustrate the framework. This consensus can provide an important basis for future exploration of reform in residency education on aspects such as setting training goal, curriculum design, assessment and evaluation, faculty development and teaching-resources improvement, etc.


