
Autonomy of Patients and Informed Consent in Clinical Practice

  • 摘要: 法律及伦理层面对医疗知情同意的要求日益严格,本文从伦理学角度剖析尊重患者自主性和医疗知情同意原则,以期为临床实践和临床伦理学相关研究和教学提供参考。首先分析尊重患者自主性的伦理学概念,在此基础上论述知情同意是落实尊重患者自主性原则的实践应用,梳理国内外关于医疗知情同意原则的确立历史和目前公认的知情同意实施过程,并由此得出如下结论:临床医疗知情同意存在共识尚待完善、培训不足、规范形成落后于新技术应用等挑战,未来应加强培训、开展相关研究并形成指南/共识,以帮助医务工作者在临床诊疗中更好地实施知情同意。


    Abstract: This article addresses the ethical issues of respect for autonomy and informed consent, focusing on how clinicians should deal with these concepts in clinical practice. We first clarify the concept of respect for autonomy and its practical application, as well as informed consent. We then track the origin and development of informed consent both in western countries and in China. Followed by describing several challenges that limit the practice of informed consent, we make our suggestions so as to help clinicians handle the informed consent in daily practice.


