
Plagues and the Indian Caste System: A Hypothesis

  • 摘要: 世界史名家威廉·麦克尼尔曾提出,印度种姓制度的建立很可能与疫病有关。笔者据此猜想,印度教中“洁净”的原本内涵可能是卫生意义上的低感染风险,处于政治经济支配地位的群体为了降低自身感染风险,设立了跨族群的接触禁忌与对高感染风险群体的系统性歧视,这些禁忌与歧视在其他社会经济因素的共同作用下,最终演化为持久的种姓制度。本文借由《摩奴法典》教规,对上述猜想加以验证,认为疫病为解释印度教“洁净—污秽”世界观的起源提供了合理假设。


    Abstract: William H. McNeill, a prestigious expert on world history has raised a theory that the establishment of the caste system might be associated with plagues. Based on this theory, we further hypothesize that the concept of "cleanliness" in Hinduism might originate from a lower risk of infection. To decrease their own risk of infection, the politically and economically dominating higher castes established the cross-caste segregation and systematic discrimination against groups of higher risk. Such segregation and discrimination, under the influence of other socioeconomic factors, eventually evolved into the persistent caste system. In the end, the legal texts in Manusmriti demonstrate that this hypothesis would be at least reasonable to explain the origin of the critical concepts of "cleanliness-filthiness" in the world view of Hindu.


