
Practice and Application of Four-topics Theory in Decision-making of Treatment Strategies in Patients with Rheumatic Diseases

  • 摘要: 本文通过临床伦理学视角,探讨风湿免疫性疾病患者临床治疗决策中的伦理问题及应对策略。采用“四主题理论”模型,分别从医疗适用性、患者偏好、生命质量、情境特征等主题切入,提炼伦理问题,查找循证证据,倾听患者意愿,促进医患双方共同参与、决策临床问题。


    Abstract: From the perspective of clinical ethics, this article aimed to identify ethical issues and explore resolutions during decision-making process of treatment strategies in patients with rheumatic diseases. We elaborated the topics of medical indications, preference of patients, quality of life, and contextual features by using the model of "four-topics theory". Its application helped to identify and refine ethical issues, search and explore medical evidence, listen to the voice of patients, and finally promote the doctor-patient mutual participation and shared decision-making.


