Advances in Genomic Research of Cryptococcus Gattii
Graphical Abstract
Cyptococcus gattii(C.gattii) belongs to the Cryptococcus neoformans complex and was previously considered to be a variant of the Cryptococcus neoformans complex (C. neoformans var. gattii) but eventually established as a separate species. Unlike C. neoformans, C. gattii predominantly infects immunocompetent persons. The pathogenic mechanism of C. gattii is not yet clear. The genomic research of C. gattii can not only comprehensively characterize the genetic composition, molecular evolution, virulence factors and pathogenic mechanisms, but also be used for the prediction of pathogenic genes and important proteins, which further facilitates the development of vaccines and new antibiotics and the construction of new effective treatments and prevention strategies against cryptococcosis. In this paper, the whole genome sequencing, genome features, genomic evolution, important virulence factors, and comparative genomic researches are reviewed.