Clinical Ethics:New Actions in the New Era
摘要: 临床伦理思想源远流长,但临床伦理学的发展尚处于起步阶段。新时代呼唤新作为,医学人文学者和临床医生应携手共进,既要善于识别和解决困扰广大医护人员的伦理难题,又要勇于理论创新,构建临床伦理学的核心概念和伦理分析框架,推进临床伦理学不断发展。Abstract: Clinical ethical thought has always been developing for thousands of years. However, clinical ethics as a discipline is just in the early stage. In the New Era, both medical humanists and clinicians ought to work together to identify and solve ethical issues and build up its own concepts and the ethical framework in clinical settings, in order to contribute to the growth of clinical ethics.