
Progress in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Carcinoids

  • 摘要: 肺类癌(pulmonary carcinoids,PCs)是一种分化较好的低级别肺部神经内分泌肿瘤。PCs与常见的肺癌及其他肺部神经内分泌肿瘤相比,由于临床症状的复杂性和生物学的异质性,其具有不同的病理学分类方法、临床表现和治疗方式。对于大多数局限性PCs患者,手术是可治愈的治疗方式,通常不推荐辅助治疗。对于晚期PCs患者,常需全身综合治疗。本文就PCs的流行病学、诊断标准、病理学分类及常用治疗方法进行综述,以期提高临床医生的认识,促进PCs治疗的规范化和标准化,使更多患者获益。


    Abstract: Pulmonary carcinoids(PCs) is a well differentiated, low-grade pulmonary neuroendocrine tumor. Compared with common lung cancer and other pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors, PCs have different pathological features, clinical manifestations and treatment methods. Treatment of bronchial carcinoids is not simple owing to intricacy of symptomatic presentation and heterogeneity of disease biology. Successful treatment of patients requires a multimodality approach. Resection is curative in the majority of patients with localized tumors and adjuvant treatment is not routinely recommended. Multiple options of systemic therapy exist for patients with an advanced disease. This paper reviews the progress in the diagnosis and treatment of PCs in recent years to standardize the diagnosis and treatment of PCs and benefit more patients.


