
The Value of Radiologist in the New Era's Multidisciplinary Team

  • 摘要: 伴随着医疗体系的改革, 放射科医生的工作模式正在发生变化, 由既往仅书写大量的放射影像报告转变为多学科诊疗团队的核心成员, 在患者安全和医疗质量、教育、科普宣传、临床科学研究及卫生经济学等层面均发挥着重要作用。多学科诊疗模式为放射科医生提供了向临床各科室、患者、医疗机构和社会展现自我价值的重要机会。


    Abstract: In response to the reform of the healthcare system, necessary evolution of the mode of radiologists' work has shifted from writing large amounts of reports to becoming the core-component of the multidisciplinary team (MDT). Radiologists play an important role in the quality and safety of medical care, education, advocacy, research, and economics. MDT provides a critical opportunity for radiologists to demonstrate their value to their clinical colleagues, patients, administration, and society.


